2 min read

CloudPanel 2.0 - A Free Web Control Panel for Everything.

What is CloudPanel?

CloudPanel v2 is a recently updated/released Web Host control panel that allows users to host just about everything from static websites to node.js applications.

The whole application has a big emphasis on simplicity and I can honestly say in my testing I have not had a single problem. Everything works as intended with no complications.


CloudPanel comes with everything you would need to host your apps and sites. Some of the best features are below

  • Completely free
  • Oneliner Install Script
  • Supports PHP Apps, Node.js Apps, Static Websites, Python Apps, WordPress & WP Multisite.
  • Ability to enable 2FA
  • Extremely High Performance. Even on WordPress, check my scores below
  • Automatic & Free SSL Certificates
  • Cron Jobs to keep all your stuff running smoothly
  • Change PHP versions
  • Clean but fully functional interface
  • NGINX Support
  • Support for all major cloud providers.

How To Install

Installing CloudPanel is really easy all you need is a couple of commands and your server will be ready to go. This will go over installing CloudPanel to your own custom VPS provider. I will be using Debian 11 Bullseye.

First, create a VPS or server with the following specs at a minimum.

  • 1 Core
  • 1GB RAM
  • 10GB SSD
  • Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 11

Log into your VPS.

ssh root@serverIp

Once you are logged in we need to update and upgrade the system then install some packages curl, wget & sudo.

Run the command below to update, upgrade and install the packages.

apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo

Now everything is ready we can start the install script.

For this guide, I will be using MySQL 8 but you can choose from MySQL 5.7, MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.8 or MariaDB 10.7.

curl -sSL https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh | sudo bash
curl -sSL https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh | sudo DB_ENGINE=MYSQL_5.7 bash
curl -sSL https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.8 bash
curl -sSL https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.7 bash

You will not have to enter any commands or do anything during the installation. Sit back and relax for 30 seconds because the installer is quick.

Access CloudPanel

Now you can access your main panel at https://ServerIpAddress:8443.

Accept the warning about the self-signed certificate.

What Next?

Everything is set up for you to create fast apps and websites quickly, but before we go and do all that, let's add a root domain for our panel so we don't have to use our IP address to log in and generate an SSL certificate.

Add Subdomain DNS records

I use Cloudflare for my DNS so the process went like this

  • Add the subdomain to DNS records. Eg, cp.dazeb.dev pointing to the server IP address.
  • Do not use a root domain like dazeb.dev or you won't be able to use that domain for your main website that you can host in the panel.
  • Disable Cloudflare proxy to generate the SSL certificate.
  • Go back to CloudPanel and go to Admin > Settings > CloudPanel Custom Domain.
  • Add your subdomain to CloudPanel
  • Click save and CloudPanel will automatically generate an SSL certificate for the subdomain.
  • Access your panel on the new subdomain.
  • Enable Cloudflare proxy once you verify the subdomain works.

Install Complete!

At this point, you should have a fully functional webserver to serve your apps and websites.

This guide is not sponsored or affiliated with CloudPanel.io.



This website is now hosted with CloudPanel. Here are the latest results.

Of course there are various factors that can get your websites to their absolute best speeds possible but CloudPanel makes things a LOT easier.