1 min read

How to Install Grafana to Monitor Your Chia Farm on Ubuntu 20.04

Heres a really quick and easy way of getting Grafana up and running with Prometheus using Docker that will display all the statistics from our Chia nodes and farms.

Grafana is particularly good at what it does and is fully customizable to display the statics you need from your plots and farms. We will be installing Docker and Docker Compose, along with Portainer to view the containers.💪🕶

We are starting with Ubuntu 20.04 fresh install. First make sure you have setup a non root account and give the user sudo privileges. Once thats done we start the docker install

After rebooting docker should be installed and working. Next install docker-compose with this one liner

Check if all went well..

docker-compose --version

You should see

docker-compose version 1.29.1, build c34c88b2

Or something similar based on your version. If you get permission errors, try this

Next to install Portainer. Do a

Open up your browser at http://localhost:9000 and login. select local endpoint.

Back to the terminal, go to a folder you use to store github scripts. Eg, /home/user/Documents/github

git clone https://github.com/retzkek/chiamon.git
cd chiamon
docker-compose up -d

The script will run and the docker images will load. From here all you need to do is go to http://localhost:3000 and login with username: admin and password: admin.

And thats it you're done! Be aware that there is no persistence so when you restart your machine the stats will reset! If your install fails make sure you are NOT running docker-compose with sudo, your user MUST be in the docker group!

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}